Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Third Viewing 11/4/08

Initial look at the entire tank shows a dispersal of the organisms, probably because the food source was used up this past week, only twenty or so paramecium still exist in the feed area. Rotifers have multiplied in the middle area around green plant life mostly. Green life has skyrocketed, many root like systems are running through the water and substrate. The ball of what i suppose to be some sort of silicate, has become a bed of activity, it supports many algae colonies (green) and paramecium feeder colonies. On the busiest areas of plant and protozoa life I saw a few small fresh water aphids on leaces, identified as Aspidisca.

I took pictures of several interesting new creatures in the aquarium they are (From top left to bottom right): 1. Dinomeoba mirablis, a rigid protozoa 2. A collection (or graveyard) of diatoms and paramecium husks 3. A true amorphous ameoba compare din scale to a paramecium.

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