Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Setting up and First View of Tank

My Microaquaria was filled with a local pond water, mixed with three different types of algae to promote growth and establishment of colonies.

The first voyage into the depths of the microaquarium was one of discovery, the populations of organisms was not proliferate, allowing for an easy count of populations which will grow through the next few weeks.

The top layer and middle layer were quite sparse in life, i did spot some small sunburst type organisms which look like Actinosphaerium. There were several floating paramecium also in the plant life.

The bottom (or primordial ooze as I call it) is where most life seems to be placed at this point. I counted a total of about ten parameciums. Five or so of these growths which attach to a bottom surface and float almost like seaweed called Epistylis. Also, I saw about three rotifers, relatively small, I did identify one large cyclops type. Amidst the dirt along the bottom I could also pick out some small photosynthetic Euglenoids, and a few diatoms with a barrel shape at the bottom (perhaps Binderana).

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