Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Second viewing

It looks like a completely different environment in the tank this week! Primarily because of the small food pellet used to help spur growth, this was seen by a mass of biological material (some moving ameobas and some not) at the top of the aquaria.

The paramecium population has skyrocketed to, as close as I can tell, over a hundred total. I also noticed a large increase in the number of rotifers, with some very striking sample of Philodina. These rotifers must have tripled or so in number, and seem to spread out in the middle area of the aquarium. Also in the middle layer, we see some Tachysoma rotifers, growing larger rather than more populous.

The bottom of the tank is almost like a material graveyard at this point, with a large amount of unidentifiable material along with many more diatoms. A new organism I noticed is a small, almost immobile ameoba called a Chilomonas.

Amidst the growing brown algae (noticeably), I found some filamentous green algae called oscillatoria.

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