Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Final Viewing of microaquarium

This final observation has concentrated on finding any new species, and also to give population estimates compared to initial findings.

I used the depth viewing Nikon microscope to view the fern-like plant material, where a colonization, or general concentration of paramecium and rotifers surrounded it. There were also very peculiar brown sacs litering the area, perhaps spores or nutrient piles? I estimate the final plant growth from the first week to be around 150%.

Looking at the bedrock I noticed a much greater density, where hyphae or root systems riddle the substrate. Ameoba and paramecium have become sparse now, the only existing ones are small, and come out to look for smaller organisms floating just above the substrate.

My final population estimate are as follows (based on counting life in an area and multiplying):

Ameoba 2/10
Paramecium 20/ 1,000+
Epistylis 5/ 20
Diatoms 100/ 100,000
Philodina 10/ 50
Tachysoma 20/ 250
Actinosphaerium 2/ 50
Euglenoids (green) 30/ 200+

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